What do you desire in your vocation? Is it accolade, craftsmanship, quality or longevity?

When I consistently ask myself, it has bode me well over the years as I’ve built the blocks of my own craft. Once I start with the foundation each year of this very question, it results in a trajectory for the days and months that so quickly go by. Please don’t think of it merely as a, “new years resolution”; more so it is a starting place.

I am not the same person I was 5 years ago, and guess what, neither are you. Our desires for our life change and take on new forms over time. This simple exercise is a self check on where we are at in the here and now. It becomes all apart of the process of being present with the realities of our current lives; yet gives us hope and dreams once again for whats to come.

So if we have a desire, how do we see it come into fruition?

Incremental steps towards our desires are of pinnacle importance. So many times we look at all we have to become and it’s impossibly intimidating. It stares back at us and with its ugly scowl says, “You can’t find time for that”, “You’re too old” or the inevitable “Comparison game with others in our industry”. This is where passivity creeps in and debilitates our potential.

If we tell ourselves and agree that “this very incremental step I am apart right now will get me over there”, then we are really going places!

In conclusion, “What do you desire?” for your life and your vocation?

Take those incremental steps today, and don’t listen to yourself or others when you hear “you can’t”.

  • God be with you,

    - RR

Robert Ricotta

Robert Ricotta has been a professional voice actor since early 2010. He is represented by William Morris Endeavor in Beverly Hills, California (www.wmeentertainment.com) Robert has voiced projects from all over the world, and continues to work on high profile brands, web based promotion, global organizations, personal videographer projects, networks, world movies; TV., cartoons, radio commercials, animations, corporates and documentaries. He focus' on communicating a clear message and bringing life to words which has helped him succeed as both a radio programmer and audiovisual editor and technician. His multifaceted experience in media provides clients with a unique skill set and perspective for their project; adding depth to an already well-rounded experience. The “voice” of large conferences, global events and initiatives around the world. You may hear his voice on such avenues as: ESPN, CNN, Discovery Channel, History Channel, FOX in several different countries. While continuing to expand his experience as a voice actor, His personal interests include: hiking, woodworking, songwriting, playing baseball, soccer and watching basketball, hockey and football.