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I simply have never felt my actual age. 30 however is finally an age I feel at peace with, and it’s rather ironic turning 30 in the year 2020. My focus has truly never been clearer, and my purpose never more defined than now. Though I have comfortability in my age and stage of life (in a sense); I know that I cannot stay here. Which brings me to my most intriguing find in turning this specific age. The “Focal Point”.

As we know from many artists in their various mediums; it takes around 10,000 hours to master a skill or craft (or at least be on your way towards mastering it). A focal point is the center of an interest or activity. I can say with certainty I’ve set my focus on my personal focal point. Though I am nearing 10,000 hours of Voice Acting; I dare not take a stance of “arrived”. I have much more to learn and to develop in. This I’m well aware of.

All I can say is that at this point, if there is any way to find your unique “focal point” ; focus your attention and intention on it however you possibly can. Here’s to centering in on the “Focal Point” in this year of 2020.

Robert Ricotta

Robert Ricotta has been a professional voice actor since early 2010. He is represented by William Morris Endeavor in Beverly Hills, California ( Robert has voiced projects from all over the world, and continues to work on high profile brands, web based promotion, global organizations, personal videographer projects, networks, world movies; TV., cartoons, radio commercials, animations, corporates and documentaries. He focus' on communicating a clear message and bringing life to words which has helped him succeed as both a radio programmer and audiovisual editor and technician. His multifaceted experience in media provides clients with a unique skill set and perspective for their project; adding depth to an already well-rounded experience. The “voice” of large conferences, global events and initiatives around the world. You may hear his voice on such avenues as: ESPN, CNN, Discovery Channel, History Channel, FOX in several different countries. While continuing to expand his experience as a voice actor, His personal interests include: hiking, woodworking, songwriting, playing baseball, soccer and watching basketball, hockey and football.