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By all means I have no intention for it to sound cliche' or repetitive, but we truly couldn't make up the content in, Up & Vanished: Season 2. Every interview, every situation we have found ourselves in and most sacredly every missing person's life we have become involved with is 100% true and undeniably (un) elaborated on.  I am sure as a culture that we have become disillusioned with the fact that producers of television shows, movies or podcasts (feel the need to) must fashion fictional elements onto a story/non fiction to make it more interesting or attractive to viewers/listeners. 

If there is one thing we cannot predict, it is the turns that cases take. We simply cannot anticipate the actions, words or reactions of people that we interview or speak with. As you can imagine, this can be alarming when someone flies off the handle and is abrasive in response to us asking questions; or when they feel a need to become defensive and put up walls. 

With Up & Vanished, Payne has always had the aim to respect the reality that he is becoming intimately involved in the details of someones life.

Robert Ricotta

Robert Ricotta has been a professional voice actor since early 2010. He is represented by William Morris Endeavor in Beverly Hills, California ( Robert has voiced projects from all over the world, and continues to work on high profile brands, web based promotion, global organizations, personal videographer projects, networks, world movies; TV., cartoons, radio commercials, animations, corporates and documentaries. He focus' on communicating a clear message and bringing life to words which has helped him succeed as both a radio programmer and audiovisual editor and technician. His multifaceted experience in media provides clients with a unique skill set and perspective for their project; adding depth to an already well-rounded experience. The “voice” of large conferences, global events and initiatives around the world. You may hear his voice on such avenues as: ESPN, CNN, Discovery Channel, History Channel, FOX in several different countries. While continuing to expand his experience as a voice actor, His personal interests include: hiking, woodworking, songwriting, playing baseball, soccer and watching basketball, hockey and football.